

Yay!! v2.0 of the site is finally up and running. There are still a few things that need to be addressed, however, I thought it would be better to launch the site now than wait another couple weeks. Please help me de-bug the site; email me any issues that need to be fixed.

Thanks and I look forward to your feedback,



James Cheng said...

good stuff, I guess I'll have to work harder =p, haha my names is James Cheng too, but I'm from NYC haha, I found your stuff googling James Cheng, though i'm more of an amateur than anything else (for now). www.jamescheng.net if you want to check it out. Personally I think I need more work, but just wanted to say hi! =)

DHoffm2000 said...

Excellent work and a very intersting site --and naturally, I'm not the least bit suprised